- Rob McClain, Copper City Signs (1878 Origins)
- Zena Beth McGlashan (Aaron Witter, first president of Butte Workingmen's Union)
- Graphic Communications Union Local #242 (The Bluebird Incident, 1887)
- Friends of the Butte Archives (Western Federation of Miners, 1893)
- Evan & Gail Seccomb Barrett (The Great Shutdown)
- Dick Gibson (Miners Union Hall)
- Mark Reavis and Nicole von Gaza-Reavis (Granite Mountain Disaster)
- Mark Vucurovich family (Frank Little)
- Chris Fisk & Butte High History Club (Butte Strike Bulletin raid)
- Amanda & Kevin Curtis (Anaconda Road)
- Jim & Ann Courtney (1930s-50s strikes)
- Pat Mohan (Butte Tinners' Union, in memory of Tony "the Tin Man" Cononica)
- Butte Teachers' Union (Butte Teachers' Union)
- Dick Gibson (Labor Center general banner)
- Tom Nance (Miners' Bank & other banks banner)
- 4x4 plaque ($25) or 5x7 ($50) as memorial to individual
Arthur Nurse - sponsored by Perry Gliessman
Gib Cooney - sponsored by Dolores Cooney
Joe Novack - sponsored by Moyle and Novack families
Theodore H. Ackerman - sponsored by Doris Hughes
Angelo Petroni - sponsored by his friends and family
Frank Shields - sponsored by Patsy Callahan
John Kovacich - sponsored by Florence Kovacich
Jim Young - sponsored by Butte Teachers Union
Gib Cooney - sponsored by Dolores Cooney
Joe Novack - sponsored by Moyle and Novack families
Theodore H. Ackerman - sponsored by Doris Hughes
Angelo Petroni - sponsored by his friends and family
Frank Shields - sponsored by Patsy Callahan
John Kovacich - sponsored by Florence Kovacich
Jim Young - sponsored by Butte Teachers Union
- $75 (8x10) for a union
This is an incomplete list, and some of these unions have been succeeded by others.
Butte Tinner's Union (BANNER sponsor: Pat Mohan)
Butte Teachers' Union (BANNER sponsor: Butte Teachers' Union)
Musicians Union (Plaque sponsor: Dolores Cooney)
Bartenders Union (Plaque sponsor: Mark Vucurovich)
Butte Typographical Union (Plaque sponsor: Perry Gliessman)
Industrial Workers of the World (Plaque sponsor: Sheila Roberts honoring Tom Satterly)Butte Typographical Union (Plaque sponsor: Perry Gliessman)
Butte Pressmens' Union (Plaque sponsor: Perry Gliessman)
Southwestern Montana Central Labor Council (Plaque sponsor: Southwestern Montana Central Labor Council)
Brewers' International Union (Plaque sponsor: Chuck & Lyza Schnabel, Quarry Brewing)
Machinists' Union (available)
Teamsters' Union (available)
Womens' Protective Union (available)
Amalgamated Woodworkers (available)
Bakers' Union (available)
Beer Drivers' & Bottlers' Union (available)
Bricklayers & Masons' Union (available)
Bridge & Structural Iron Workers (available)
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (available)
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen (available)
Butte Butchers' Union (available)
Butte Clerks' Protective Union (available)
Butte Stationary Engineers Union (available)
Carpenters' & Joiners' International (available)
Confectioners' and Helpers' Union (available)
Hackmens' Protective Union (available)
Hotel & Restaurant Employees' Union (available)
Iron Moulders' Union (available)
International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths & Helpers (available)
International Building Laborers (available)
Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders (available)
Horseshoers' Union
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (available)
Laundry Workers' Union (available)
Machinists' Union (available)
Painters' and Decorators' Union (available)
Plasterers' Union (available)
Plumbers' & Gas Steam Fitters' Union (available)
Porters and Boot Blacks Union (available)
Sheepshearers' Union (available)
Shoemakers' Union (available)
Street Railway Employees' Union (available)
Tailors' Protective Union (available)
Telephone Operators' Union (available)
Teamsters' Union (available)
Theatrical Stage Employees' Union (available)
Western Federation of Barbers (available)
Information Stations
- Computer-based information station sponsorship: $1500