
The Butte Labor History Center is a project of the Butte America Foundation

Mission statement: The Butte Labor History Center provides education and information to the public about the internationally significant labor movement in and around Butte, Montana, with a focus on the 1878-1932 time period. We are not an advocacy organization.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 394, Butte, MT 59703
Email: bamf@butteamericafoundation.org

Original Board of Directors, 2015-18 (the organization has dissolved and the assets transferred to the Butte America Foundation)
Ted Ackerman, President
Richard Gibson, Secretary-Treasurer
Mark Vucurovich
Jim Moyle
Jim Michelotti

The Labor History Center will complement Butte's other attractions and tours.

Initial list of interpretive banners - others are possible, including for individual unions or personalities. Unions and personalities can have either full 33x77-inch banners, or 8x10 plaques. Contact us to discuss.

Origins – 1878. Butte Workingmen’s Union (sponsor: Rob McClain, Copper City Signs)
1878 – Aaron Witter, first BWU President (sponsor: Zena Beth McGlashan)
1887 – The Bluebird Incident (sponsor: Graphic Communications Union Local #242)
1893 – Western Federation of Miners (sponsor: Friends of the Butte Archives)
1903 – The great shutdown (sponsor: Evan D. and Gail Seccomb Barrett)
1914 – Miner’s Union Hall (sponsor: Dick Gibson)
1917 – Granite Mountain Disaster (sponsor: Butte Urban Safari Tours)
1917 – Frank Little (sponsor: Mark Vucurovich and family)
1918 – Omar Bradley, Bill Dunne, Butte Strike Bulletin (sponsor: Chris Fisk and Butte High Montana History Club)
1920 – Anaconda Road (sponsor: Amanda & Kevin Curtis)
1930s-60s – Strikes (sponsor: Jim and Ann Courtney)
Today (sponsorship available)
Labor Center Banner (sponsor: Dick Gibson)

Plaque Sponsorships

  • 4x4 plaque ($25) or 5x7 ($50) as memorial to individual
  • $75 (8x10) for a union
Musicians Union (Dolores Cooney)
Bartenders Union (Mark Vucurovich)

Specific Union Banners (33x77 - $250) or Plaques (8x10 - $75)
This is an incomplete list, and some of these unions have been succeeded by others.

Butte Tinner's Union (BANNER sponsor: Pat Mohan)
Butte Teachers' Union (BANNER sponsor: Butte Teachers' Union)
Musicians Union (Plaque sponsor: Dolores Cooney)
Bartenders Union (Plaque sponsor: Mark Vucurovich)
Industrial Workers of the World (taken)
Machinists' Union  (available)
Teamsters' Union (available)
Womens' Protective Union (available)
Amalgamated Woodworkers (available)
Bakers' Union (available)
Beer Drivers' & Bottlers' Union  (available)
Brewers' International Union (available)
Bricklayers & Masons' Union (available)
Bridge & Structural Iron Workers (available)
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (available)
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen (available)
Butte Butchers' Union (available)
Butte Clerks' Protective Union (available)
Butte Stationary Engineers Union (available)
Butte Pressmens' Union  (available)
Butte Typographical Union (available)
Carpenters' & Joiners' International  (available)
Confectioners' and Helpers' Union (available)
Hackmens' Protective Union (available)
Hotel & Restaurant Employees' Union (available)
Iron Moulders' Union (available)
International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths & Helpers (available)
International Building Laborers  (available)
Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders (available)
Horseshoers' Union
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (available)
Laundry Workers' Union (available)
Machinists' Union (available)
Painters' and Decorators' Union (available)
Plasterers' Union (available)
Plumbers' & Gas Steam Fitters' Union (available)
Porters and Boot Blacks Union (available)
Sheepshearers' Union (available)
Shoemakers' Union (available)
Street Railway Employees' Union  (available)
Tailors' Protective Union (available)
Telephone Operators' Union (available)
Teamsters' Union (available)
Theatrical Stage Employees' Union (available)
Western Federation of Barbers (available)

Information Stations

  • Computer-based information station sponsorship: $1500